We adopt an environmentally friendly approach that reflects our deep commitment to nature and agriculture.

Our environmental sensitivity is of vital importance for the future of our company. Therefore, we conduct our business operations and network sales transactions with the Ecological Management System (SGE). This integrated management system, compliant with ISO 14001 standards, not only helps to identify problems but also assists in reducing risks and continuously improving processes.

At Özersoylar, the measures we take to protect environmental health are as follows;

We adopt an environmentally friendly approach that reflects our deep commitment to nature and agriculture.
  • We increase efficiency in our internal processes to minimize water and energy consumption.
  • We educate our employees on environmentally friendly practices and support them in reducing environmental impact.
  • We encourage environmentally friendly practices such as recycling, waste management, and reuse.
  • We take all necessary measures to minimize air pollution in our production processes and regularly control chemical emissions at safe levels.
  • We consider the pH problem affecting 80% of Turkish soils as a social responsibility and develop informative campaigns to raise awareness among our farmers.

At Özersoylar, we aim to strengthen our ties with the environment and maintain the highest environmental quality standards. In line with this goal, we are committed to regularly updating our environmental policy and doing our part to leave a cleaner and healthier world for future generations.

Environmental Policy